Showing 1 - 25 of 253 Results
New York Academy of Medicine, Illustration Catalog by New York Academy of Medicin... ISBN: 9780816100385 List Price: $200.00
The future in medicine (Its Lectures to the laity, no. 14. March of medicine, 1949) by New York Academy of Medicin... ISBN: 9780836924657 List Price: $19.95
March of Medicine Letters to the Laity by New York Academy of Medicin... ISBN: 9780836924664 List Price: $19.95
Burke and Hare : The Resurrection by Barzun, Jacques, New York A... ISBN: 9780810807693
Medicine Today : The March of Medicine, 1946 (Laity Lectures, No. 11) by New York Academy of Medicin... ISBN: 9780836924695 List Price: $19.95
Medicine in the postwar world (Its Lectures to the laity, no. 12. March of medicine, 1947) by New York Academy of Medicin... ISBN: 9780836924688 List Price: $18.95
Frontiers in medicine (Its Lectures to the laity, no. 15. March of medicine, 1950) by New York Academy of Medicin... ISBN: 9780836921137 List Price: $19.95
Transactions of the New York Academy of Medicine by New York Academy Of Medicine ISBN: 9781173919658 List Price: $38.75
Transactions of the New York Academy of Medicine by New York Academy Of Medicine ISBN: 9781174773938 List Price: $35.75
New York Academy of Medicine : A Quinquennial List of Past and Present Officers, Fellows, Be... by New York Academy Of Medicine ISBN: 9781168962911 List Price: $26.36
Celebration of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the New York Academy of Medicine : Held at... by New York Academy Of Medicine ISBN: 9781177475921 List Price: $18.75
Medical Profession in Ancient Times : An Anniversary Discourse Delivered Before the New York... by Watson, John, New York Acad... ISBN: 9781276331821 List Price: $26.75
Transactions of the New York Academy of Medicine by New York Academy Of Medicine ISBN: 9781276771672 List Price: $39.75
Celebration of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the New York Academy of Medicine : Held at... by New York Academy Of Medicine ISBN: 9781277470567 List Price: $18.75
Transactions of the New York Academy of Medicine by New York Academy Of Medicine ISBN: 9781277595680 List Price: $38.75
New York Academy of Medicine : A Quinquennial List of Past and Present Officers, Fellows, Be... by New York Academy Of Medicine ISBN: 9781164151371 List Price: $14.36
Medical Profession in Ancient Times an Anniversary Discourse Delivered Before the New York A... by Watson, John, New York Acad... ISBN: 9781179154725 List Price: $26.75
Molecular and Developmental Biology of Cartilage by De Crombrugghe, Benoit, New... ISBN: 9781573310116 List Price: $110.00
The Medical Profession in Ancient Times: An Anniversary Discourse Delivered Before the New Y... by Watson, John, New York Acad... ISBN: 9781141538003 List Price: $26.75
Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine by Medicine, New York Academy Of ISBN: 9780217186056 List Price: $25.61
Inaugural and Valedictory Addresses by New York Academy Of Medicine ISBN: 9781141951376 List Price: $36.75
The Transactions of the New York Academy of Medicine by New York Academy Of Medicine ISBN: 9781145049192 List Price: $37.75
The Transactions of the New York Academy of Medicine by New York Academy Of Medicine ISBN: 9781143616716 List Price: $50.75
Acts of Incorporation, Constitution and By-Laws, List of Fellows, Associate Fellows, Honorar... by New York Academy of Medicin... ISBN: 9781145631243 List Price: $21.75
The Transactions of the New York Academy of Medicine by New York Academy Of Medicine ISBN: 9781145882478 List Price: $33.75
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